Henry Griffiths

Male 1826 - 1876  (49 years)

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  • Name Henry Griffiths 
    Birth 07 Nov 1826  Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Christening 18 Mar 1827  St Johns Anglican Church, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [4

    Baptism - Ann Griffiths and Henry Griffiths
    Baptism - Ann Griffiths and Henry Griffiths
    Baptism Details - RGD 32/1 - Registration No.2469 - Ann Griffiths born 18 may 1826 at Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia, Baptised 18 March 1827, St Johns Anglican Church, Launceston, Tasmania.

    Henry Griffiths RGD 32/1 - Registration No. 2468 -born 7 November 1826 Launceston Tasmania, Baptised 18 march 1927, St Johns Anglican Church, Launceston,…
    Gender Male 
    Cause of Death 20 Jul 1876  Constitution Dock, Hobart, Tasmania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Accidental death by Drowning. It is supposed he fell between the vessel's side and the wharf while attempting to come ashore during the night and when no one was within hearing.

    Occupation 20 Jul 1876  Captain of the Schooner Rubicon Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    At the time of his death, Henry Griffiths was the Captain of the schooner Rubicon 
    Death 20 Jul 1876  Constitution Dock, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • Henry fell into the constitution dock, Hobart, Tasmania and drowned.
    Death Notice of Captain Henry Griffiths
    Death Notice of Captain Henry Griffiths
    Henry Griffiths death notice appeared in The Mercury Newspaper, Hobart, Tasmania on Tuesday 25 July 1876 on page 1.
    Hobart port details
    Hobart port details
    Map of Hobart Port

    Captain Henry Griffiths Found Dead
    Captain Henry Griffiths Found Dead
    This article reporting the discovery of Henry Griffiths body was reported in the Mercury Newspaper on Tuesday 25 July 1876 on Page 2

    Inquest 26 Jul 1876  Inquest into the death of Henry Griffiths at Hobart Town Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    The said Henry Griffiths come to his death on the 20th day of July of this said year,casually, accidentally and in misfortune fallen into the water of the Constitution Dock at Hobart Town in the said to land was then and then suffocated and drowned. 

    Person ID I8588  Tucker Family Tree | The Descendants of Jonathon Griffiths
    Last Modified 19 Jul 2014 

    Father John Griffiths,   b. 23 Aug 1801, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 02 Jan 1881, Launceston, Tasmainia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth Burnett,   b. Abt 1806, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Sep 1839, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 33 years) 
    Marriage 27 Jul 1824  George Town, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [8, 9

    Marriage of John Griffiths and Elizabeth Burnett
    Marriage of John Griffiths and Elizabeth Burnett
    John Griffiths married Elizabeth Burnett 27 July 1824 at George Town, by Banns.
    Family ID F1975  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Mary Jane Hudson,   b. 1829   d. 8 Dec 1897, West Devonport, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years) 
    Marriage 05 Nov 1853  West Tamar, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [10, 11
     1. Alfred William Griffiths,   b. 19 Aug 1855, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Jan 1856, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)  [Father: Birth]  [Mother: Birth]
    +2. Henry Griffiths,   b. 20 Feb 1857, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Feb 1936, Wynyard, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years)
     3. Llewellen Griffiths,   b. 23 Sep 1860, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 14 Sep 1863, Pt Sorell, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 2 years)
    +4. Constance Elizabeth Griffiths,   b. 1864, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 14 Oct 1941, Marrawah, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years)
    +5. John Griffiths,   b. 16 Oct 1866, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Jan 1955, Wynnard, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 88 years)  [Father: Birth]  [Mother: Birth]
     6. Edith Helen Griffiths,   b. 15 Jun 1869, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 04 Jul 1869, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
    +7. Mary Kate Griffiths,   b. 1875, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Nov 1919, Don (Devonport), Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 44 years)
    Family ID F2677  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 16 May 2015 

  • Sources 
    1. [S152] John Griffiths, 7 Nov 1826 (Reliability: 2).
      Henry Griffiths b 07 Nov 1826 Launceston, Tas,Australia is the son of John and Elizabeth Griffiths (n. Burnett)

    2. [S260] Tasmania, Civil Registrations 1803-1933 - Baptisms, 7 Nov 1826, 5 (Reliability: 3).
      See attached Baptism record - Henry Griffiths - RGD
      32/1 Baptisms 1803-1832 image 136, Reg No. 2468

    3. [S30] Archives Office of Tasmania, Colonial Tasmanian Family Links, (Archives Office of Tasmania), 1826 (Reliability: 2).
      Griffiths, Henry
      Gender Male
      Birth 1826 Launceston Tasmania
      Marriage/Relationship 1853 - Launceston Tasmania - Hudson, Mary Jane.
      150206 GRIFFITH JOHN
      317146 Not stated ELIZABETH

      139287 GRIFFITHS M 1857
      139289 GRIFFITHS M 1860
      139286 GRIFFITHS EDITH HELEN 1869

    4. [S260] Tasmania, Civil Registrations 1803-1933 - Baptisms, 18 Mar 1927, 5 (Reliability: 3).
      RGD 32/1 Baptism Reg No. 2468 - Henry Griffiths - St Johns Anglican Church, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia - see attached copy of registration.

    5. [S138] The Mercury Newspaper, 25 Jul 1876, 1 (Reliability: 3).
      Captain Henry Griffiths, of the schooner Rubicon, aged 52 years, son of Mr John Griffiths, river Mersey, Tasmania.

    6. [S138] The Mercury Newspaper, 25 Jul 1876 (Reliability: 3).
      See attached Newspaper Clipping.

    7. [S98] State Library of Tasmania, 26 Jul 1876 (Reliability: 3).
      See attached Inquest

    8. [S197] St Johns Anglican Church Launceston Tasmania, 27 Jul 1824, 29/1824 (Reliability: 3).
      See attached copy of St John's Launceston Marriage register, page 29, 1824, Marriage number 771, John Griffiths and Elizabeth Burnett.

    9. [S6] Archives Office of Tasmania, Tasmanian Pioneers, (The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Association with the Archives Office of Tasmania), 27 Jul 1824 (Reliability: 3).
      Surname Griffiths, Given Name John, Sex Male, Event Marriage, Spouse Surname Burnett, Spouse Given Name Elizabeth,Registration Place Launceston, Event Date 27 Jul, Event Year 1824, Registration Year 1824, Registration Number 771, RGD Number 36

    10. [S152] John Griffiths, 15 Feb 2013 (Reliability: 2).
      Mary Jane Hudson born 1829 married henry Griffiths 05 Nov 1853

    11. [S6] Archives Office of Tasmania, Tasmanian Pioneers, (The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Association with the Archives Office of Tasmania), 5 Nov 1853 (Reliability: 2).
      Surname Hudson, given names Mary jane, Age 24, Sex Female, Ev ent Marriage, Spouse Surname Griffith, spouse given Names Henry, spouse Age 28, Registration Place launceston, Event date 05 Nov 1853, registration year 1853, registration Number 1065, RGD Number 37

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